Generating fee expense invoices (connected & standalone customers)

  • Updated

This article outlines the steps for raising expense invoices for fees or commissions within Re-Leased. It's important to note that late fees are handled differently; you can learn more about that here. Please be aware that if you're using the Client/Trust Accounting version of Re-Leased, these fees are not the same; you can learn more about that here.

Before generating fee invoices, make sure you've completed the set up steps, and have created your fee rules.


To view draft fees that have been raised based on the rules set up for your company, select Accounting > Raise Fee Invoices.

From here you can filter and sort the fees before selecting which ones you would like to generate expense invoices for.

Generating expense invoices

Select the draft fees you want to generate invoices for using the checkboxes on the left, then select the "Generate invoices" button. This will update the status of the fees to "Generating" while the invoices are being created. Once the invoices are created the fee status will change to "Invoiced".

If there is more than one fee selected for an owner, they will all be included on a single invoice to the owner. Invoices are created in an "Awaiting Approval" state and can be bulk approved via the income & expenses area.


Viewing Fee Invoices

There are a couple of ways to view expense invoices generated from your fees. If you're looking for a specific invoice, just change the status filter to "Invoiced", locate the fee, and click the amount field to open the related invoice. 

If you want to view many fee invoices, navigate to Income & Expenses > Expenses > Awaiting Approval and type into the search field "Fees". From here you are able to review and bulk approve the expense invoices.

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