Importing Compliance Records - Bulk Upload Guide
This guide is designed to help you bulk upload your compliance records to the compliance hub using our new Import Compliance feature. Whether you have individual records or an aggregate of data in a CSV file, this article will navigate you through the process of importing your data effectively.
Overview of the Importing Process
To navigate to Import Compliance: Dashboard > Property Management > Compliance > Add Compliance > Import Compliance
There are two ways to import your compliance records in bulk: via PDF for individual records or through a structured CSV file for multiple details requiring a link to a document. Here's what you need to know for each method:
Importing a PDF Compliance Record
- Select the company from your account to which you'd like to upload compliance records.
- Upload PDF files as required. Each file will represent a compliance.
- While uploading, you will be prompted to provide details such as:
- The compliance template you're following
- Record name
- Type of compliance
- Property associated with
- Assignee for the record
- Expiry date of the compliance
- A document preview enables you to easily locate and verify these details.
- Upon confirmation of your import, you may opt to mark the record as compliant immediately.
Importing via CSV File
When using a CSV file for import:
Prepare your CSV file by structuring your compliance details according to our provided template. This template is accessible within the first step of the import, see below.
- Select your company and proceed to upload the CSV file containing compliance details that are organised like the provided template.
- The import tool validates your data.
- Fill out the necessary inputs for the compliance template, name, type, property, assign to, and expiry, before confirmation.
- Complete the process by confirming your import.
Important: It's imperative that the CSV data mirrors the structure of our template to ensure a successful import. Please review our template and prepare your records accordingly before beginning the upload.