Processing Payments: Cash, Cheques, and EFT Receipting

  • Updated

For our Asia-Pacific customers, the term "Trust Account" is used, while European customers refer to it as "Client Account". It's important to mention that the Client/Trust Accounting functionality does not apply to customers in North America. For further information on regional terms, check out our Glossary of Regional Terminology.


This article serves as a practical guide to receipting funds received via cash, cheques, or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). Each payment method requires a separate receipt to be created within the system. By following the step-by-step instructions below, you will learn how to accurately process and document each payment, ensuring your financial records remain precise and trustworthy.

Here's what you need to do when you receive funds through cash or cheques:

  1. Click the [+] Quick Links menu
  2. Select Process Payment from the menu.

Once you have selected Process Payment, follow these steps to complete the receipting procedure:

  1. Choose the Tenancy that the payment is associated with. You can repeat this process for additional tenancies if necessary.
  2. Pick the Invoice Numbers or numbers you want to apply the payment to.
  3. Enter the Payment Amount for each selected invoice.
  4. Click on Payment Details to provide further information about the transaction.

It's essential to create a unique receipt for each payment method utilized. For instance, if you received part of the payment in cash and the rest via cheque, two separate receipts are required to accurately document these transactions.

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Should you have not only physical forms of payment but also electronic ones, the steps outlined above prove equally effective for EFTs, ensuring consistency across all receipting procedures in your system.

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