Bulk Request for Automated Recurring Tenant Payments with Re-Leased Pay

  • Updated

Optimizing your rent collection process is key to maintaining a smooth-running property management operation. With Re-Leased Pay, you can facilitate automated recurring payments for tenants, ensuring timely rent collection, diminishing arrears, and improving payment experiences for everyone involved. This article will guide you through the process of identifying tenants with recurring payments and how to encourage others to take advantage of this feature.


Identify Tenants with Recurring Rent Payments

To get started, let's determine which of your tenants have already set up recurring rent payments:

  • Go to the Tenant Summary page to see the Re-Leased Pay Status for each tenant. This status indicates if recurring payments are enabled.
  • Alternatively, you can find tenants who haven't set up recurring payments through the email filter: 
    1. Click on Send email.
    2. Select the Filter Contacts link on the right side of the email creation screen.
    3. Set the Contact Type to Current or Future Tenant.
    4. Choose a Re-Leased Pay Recurring state from: 
      • Recurring enabled
      • No recurring payments

Encourage Tenants to Enrol in Recurring Payments

To invite other tenants to set up recurring payments, follow these simple steps:

  1. Create a new email within Re-Leased.
  2. In the Filter contacts section, set the Contact Type to Current Contacts and Re-Leased Pay Recurring to No recurring payments.
  3. Select all tenants or choose specific individuals who should receive the invite.
  4. Complete your email using the Re-Leased Pay Invitation Template, available in the email template dropdown. This pre-made template supplies tenants with the essential information for an effortless setup. 

HelpCenter_Revised_GIF_Template  (78).gif


Note: You can manage this template in the Settings under the Correspondence Templates section.

Using the invitation template, tenants will receive an email similar to this example. When they click on the setup link, they'll be directed to the setup page.

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