Enabling the 'Pay Online' Button on Your Invoices & Correspondence Templates

  • Updated

If you've taken the convenient step to allow online payments for your invoices, but the Pay Online button isn't appearing as it should, don't worry. This article is here to guide you through ensuring that your invoice templates and correspondence templates are correctly set up in Re-Leased, so your clients can make swift online payments. This is a common setup issue that can usually be resolved with a few quick checks.

Setting up Correspondence Templates

As well as adding a Pay Online button to invoices, a Pay Online button can also be added to any Rent, Outgoings or Repeating Invoice Correspondence Template. It can also be used when emailing an individual invoice.

To add a Pay Online button:

  1. Navigate the Settings and locate Templates.
  2. Create a new correspondence template or edit an existing one.
  3. Click Insert Merge Fields and add the Pay Online Button merge field.


Once an invoice has been sent, the merge field will look like this:


Note: This merge field has been automatically added to the Rent, Outgoings, Arrears and Repeating Invoice Master Correspondence Templates.


Selecting the Default Invoice Template

Ensure your custom invoice template, which includes the Pay Online button, is established as the default template:

  1. Navigate to Settings and locate the Invoice Templates.
  2. Ensure the invoice template with Pay Online enabled is set as to the default template.
  3. Once you set it as the default, the Pay Online button will be present on all new income invoices created for your tenancies.


Applying the Template to an Individual Tenancy

If the template hasn't been set globally or you have tenancies with specific billing arrangements, do the following:

  1. Go to the individual tenancy details page.
  2. Select your custom invoice template with the Pay Online feature as the Default Invoice Template for that tenancy.
  3. This ensures that all income invoices generated for that tenancy will include the Pay Online button.


Updating an Individual Invoice

For invoices already created without the Pay Online button:

  1. Open the specific income invoice and click Edit. 
  2. Locate the field for the PDF Template.
  3. Change the template to your custom template that includes the Pay Online feature.



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