Syncing data between Re-Leased and QuickBooks Online ensures your property management operations and financials are always aligned and up-to-date. In this article, we'll explore the three methods of syncing that can be used between these platforms - Automatic Sync, On-Demand Sync, and Manual Sync.
Understanding the Types of Sync
Automatic Sync
Automatic sync is a process that happens once per hour during business hours and once more overnight. It's designed to sync all data between QuickBooks Online and Re-Leased without any manual intervention.
On-Demand Sync
Whenever an Invoice or Credit Note is edited or created in Re-Leased, an on-demand sync for the individual item will be triggered to ensure your records are consistent across both platforms.
Manual Sync
Manual sync offers more control as you can initiate the sync process at your convenience. There are three ways to trigger a manual sync:
- Select the bell icon from the Quick Links Menu, then choose Start Sync from the dropdown.
- From the Sync Results Page, simply click the Sync button.
- Go to Settings > Manage Integrations & Add ons > View Details on the QuickBooks Online panel > select the Sync button.
During a sync, a spinning circle next to the search bar will indicate that the process is underway. Clicking on this spinning icon reveals which entities are currently syncing.
Where to Locate the ‘Sync From’ Date
- Navigate to Settings from the main menu.
- Scroll to Manage Integrations & Add ons.
- Select the QuickBooks Online logo to access the integration status page.
On the status page, you'll see the Sync From Date. This date indicates the earliest point at which your financial data has been sent to QuickBooks Online. It's essential to ensure the accuracy of this date for proper accounting records and reporting.
Monitoring Sync Status and Resolving Errors
The system uses bells to signify the sync status:
- A blue flag indicates a successful sync with no errors.
- An orange flag means the sync found an error but is still in progress. Selecting the error message provides details and the opportunity to resolve the error while the sync continues.
- A red flag indicates that the sync has finished but there are errors that need attention.
In the event of an error, select View Sync Results to open the Sync Results page where listed errors can be addressed or items can be unlinked if necessary.