Adding a New Property

  • Updated

In this article, we cover everything from initial set up to adding important details like owner ledger information, property areas, and resources. Whether the property is commercial or residential, we'll help you capture all the necessary details.


Check out our self-guided learning video for an interactive demo: Property Data Entry (Approx 25 mins)

For our European users, check out: Properties deep dive (EMEA) 


Before You Start: Preparation for Client/Trust Accounting

If the property belongs to an Owner Group with multiple individuals receiving payment shares, it's important to set up the Owner Group before proceeding to add the property. For assistance, check out the article on Setting Up an Owner Group


Ways to Add a New Property

There are several methods to add a property:

Option 1: Quick Links Menu

  1. Select the + from the Quick Links menu.
  2. Choose New Property under Properties & Tenancies.

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Option 2: Main Menu

  1. Navigate to Properties in the main menu.
  2. Click on + New Property.
  3. If you need to add multiple properties at once, use the Import Properties button for bulk uploads.

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Adding Property Details

  1. Utilize the Google map search to find the property, auto populating the address details.
  2. Should you utilize Google maps, the Address and Property Name fields will be pre-filled. Otherwise, enter this information manually.
  3. The chosen Property Manager will get all default dashboard notifications for this property.
  4. Usage Type will define further steps in the wizard, impacting what additional information you'll need to provide.
  5. Select the Type of Property, for example, Commercial, Hospitality, Retail. Add custom types if necessary.
  6. The Anniversary Date tracks the Management Agreement renewal — leave blank if it does not apply.
  7. Click Next to proceed.

Screenshot of Property Wizard - Address - Re-Leased.jpg


Owner Ledger Details

  1. Enter Owner Name to automatically create a new contact alongside a Ledger Title.
  2. Choose a Payment Method and provide banking details.
  3. Specify Payment Particulars, Code (applicable in NZ only), and Reference for owner statement clarity.
  4. From the Disbursements section, select the appropriate Owner Statement Type.
  5. Confirm the Account for Owner Disbursement, which is part of your chart of accounts.
  6. Set an Expenditure Limit for maintenance tasks. Overages would require authorization.
  7. Choose delivery method for Send Owner Statements.
  8. Select applicable Disbursement Profiles.
  9. Click 'Next' to continue.

Screenshot of Property Wizard - Ledger - Re-Leased.jpg


Property Areas

Defining areas are essential for commercial properties and optional for residential. Add space titles and details such as size and type. Observe that non-commercial areas won't require size or rent details. Add carpark spaces if relevant.


Additional Property and Resource Details

Add further property details, such as mixed or residential usage, and optional resources like insurance policies, title information, valuations, key management, and documents.


Uploading Images

[Add a screenshot showing how to upload images]

Upload marketing and other pertinent images, setting a primary image for easy identification within the system.


Finalizing the Process

Final steps include reviewing property fee rules and viewing the property to make any necessary adjustments. It's important to ensure your setup aligns with agreements made with landlords.

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