This article aims to provide you with a clear understanding of how to effectively manage maintenance requests via the Tenancy App or Fixflo. A maintenance request, once logged by a tenant, appears as 'Requested Maintenance' in Re-Leased. Our goal is to help you swiftly navigate through these requests, ensuring prompt action and communication with your tenants.
Monitoring New Maintenance Requests
When a tenant logs a maintenance request through the Tenancy App or Fixflo, you'll be notified on your dashboard. You'll see the Maintenance tile turn red, which indicates there are new maintenance requests that need your attention. The tile will also display a count of pending requests.
Navigating the Maintenance Hub
Within the Maintenance Hub, you'll find that new maintenance requests are prominently displayed in a separate section at the top. Here's how to manage them:
- Review Details: Click on the title link of a maintenance request to view its full details, including photos or documents provided by the tenant. This will take you to a breakdown of task details where you can also approve or decline the request.
- Property Information: The property link gives you a quick look at the key details of the related property through the Property Preview modal.
- Contact Tenant or Fixflo: The Requested By link directs you to the tenant's contact details for app-originated requests or back to the Fixflo task for any Fixflo submissions.
Actions for Requested Maintenance
There are three actions you can take upon reviewing a maintenance request:
- Approve: This will create a new Maintenance Task in the Incomplete status and can be managed as a normal task moving forward.
- Decline: Set the task's status to Declined, where it will subsequently be moved to the Declined tab.
- Decline and Email Tenant: Not only will the task status be changed and moved to the Declined tab, but you'll also have the chance to send an email to the tenant via the Tenancy app, informing them of the declination.
Managing Declined Requests
Requests that have been declined are placed within the Declined tab inside the Maintenance Hub. If necessary, you can reinstate any declined request here, which will revert its status to Requested.
Efficient handling of maintenance requests ensures a well-maintained property and satisfied tenants. By following these steps, you can keep on top of maintenance issues and maintain clear communication with all parties involved.