Re-establishing Xero Connection in Re-Leased once Revoked

  • Updated

Receive a red banner message in Re-Leased or an email prompt? This indicates that the link with Xero needs attention. Access might be revoked for various reasons, from expired trials to unintended disconnects. Remember, only users with the right level of permissions can address this – specifically those with 'manage add-ons' permissions. Spotting abnormal invoice numbers can also hint at syncing disruption for others.


Common Causes for Revoked Access

Here’s a quick look at potential reasons for the need to reconnect:

  • If your Xero trial period has expired, renewing your subscription will help regain access.
  • Should there be a change in user permissions in Xero, verify the connecting user's authorizations.
  • Mistakenly selecting Disconnect App in Xero’s settings can lead to revocation of access.
  • Both Re-Leased and Xero undergo server maintenance or software upgrades intermittently which may affect the connection.
  • Xero API outages can disrupt the connection as well.


Reconnecting to Xero

Getting back on track is just a few clicks away:

  1. Select the Reconnect to Xero link in the notification banner.
  2. On the following page, click on Continue, and then on Connect to Xero.
  3. Opt for the same Xero organization to which you were originally linked when prompted.
  4. Confirm the Sync From Date. This will auto-fill with your initial sync date, adjust if needed, especially if you have unlocked a previously locked period in Xero.

Reconnect to Xero.png

Patience is key; the reconnection process might take a while. Feel free to multitask and use Re-Leased as the sync completes. Do note that syncing 'all time' is not an option; tweak your Sync From Date to guarantee the inclusion of all vital invoices and credit notes.


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