Re-Leased API Documentation

  • Updated

This guide provides clear instructions on how you can access the Re-Leased REST API documentation. Our API aligns with the Open API Specification, ensuring a standardized and user-friendly interface. With this specification, you can view our API documentation in various formats using automated documentation tools. There are two versions available for you to choose from according to your preference.


To access our API options, visit Re-Leased REST API Documentation

Choosing Your Preferred API Documentation Format

The Re-Leased REST API documentation is available in two distinct presentations:

  • ReDoc version - A clean and responsive three-pane design with easy navigation.
  • Swagger version - An interactive interface that allows you to directly execute API calls within the documentation.

While both versions provide the same essential information, the layout and interactivity differ. Please select the version that suits your workflow and experience the most.

Accessing the ReDoc Documentation

To access the ReDoc version of our API documentation:

  1. Navigate to the API Documentation page on our website.
  2. Select the link for the ReDoc version.

This version is ideal if you prefer a straightforward, readable format for API endpoints and examples.

Accessing the Swagger Documentation

To access the Swagger version of our API documentation:

  1. Go to the API Documentation section of our platform.
  2. Choose the Swagger version link.

Opt for this version if you are looking for an interactive experience where you can test API endpoints directly within the documentation.

Our API documentation is available in ReDoc and Swagger formats to facilitate your integration with the Re-Leased platform. Check out both to determine which suits you best and begin using our REST API. For more information, reach out to us at

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