How to Send Insurance Reminder Emails

  • Updated

For our North American users, "Tenancies" are referred to as "Leases" and "Terms & Breaks" are known as "Terms & Options." For a complete understanding of regional terminology differences, please see our Glossary of Regional Terminology.

This guide shows you how to notify your leases/tenants about updating their insurance records using Re-Leased. Learn to customize and send insurance reminder emails efficiently, ensuring your leases/tenants are reminded politely to provide their insurance details promptly. 

Creating Insurance Reminder Email Templates 

Customize or set up new reminder email templates for insurance with these steps: 

  1. Navigate to Templates located in the Communications tab of the Settings menu.
  2. Use the Insurance Master Template for editing or click on Create Correspondence Template to design a new one. 
  3. If creating a new template, select Leases/Tenant's Insurance Reminder as the template type for relevant merge fields. 
  4. Customize the template title for easy internal identification. 
  5. Include the {{ InsuranceSummary }} merge field in your template to provide a table summary of selected insurance policies in the email. It will appear as follows: 

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Sending a Reminder Email 

Here are three methods to send reminder emails for leases/tenant's insurance: 

From the Calendar Dashboard

Initiate the reminder process right from your Calendar Dashboard with these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Leases/Tenant's insurance reminder on the Calendar Dashboard.
  2. Click on Send email reminder to access the email editor.
  3. In the email editor, the primary contact's email address is automatically populated. Adjust this if necessary.
  4. Choose a correspondence template from the Template dropdown menu.
  5. Make any necessary personal edits to the email message. Rest assured, these changes will not affect the master template.
  6. After sending the email, it will be conveniently logged in the Correspondence list associated with the relevant Contact.

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From the Leases/Tenancy Record

Send a reminder by directly accessing the Leases/Tenancy Record with the following steps:

  1. Within the Lease/Tenancy Record, visit the Insurance tab.
    Click the Contextual Menu [...] next to the insurance policy in question and select Email Reminder.
    Follow similar steps as you would in the dashboard method to edit and send your email reminder.

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From the Insurance Hub

Manage multiple reminders at once through the Insurance Hub:

  1. Go to the Dashboard and click on the Insurance Hub tile.
  2. Select the Leases/Tenant's Insurance tab.
  3. Check the boxes next to the relevant insurance policies you wish to action.
  4. Click on Bulk Actions and choose Send Email Reminder from the list.
  5. Look over the list of leases/tenants to ensure accuracy and make changes if needed, then press Continue.
  6. Choose a Template, personalize the message as required, and click Email Insurance Reminders to send out the bulk reminders.

With these methods, your insurance communication is sure to be timely and effective. Following these steps ensures your leases/tenants are responsibly informed about their insurance status, contributing to a well-managed property portfolio.

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