How to Archive and Restore Contacts

  • Updated

Keeping your contacts organized is an integral part of managing your property portfolio efficiently. In Re-Leased, you can archive contacts that are no longer active, and restore them whenever needed. This article offers a comprehensive guide on how to archive a contact and also how to restore them for future use. Archiving a contact helps to declutter your contact list while keeping historical data intact, and restoration brings a contact back into active use. 

Understanding Contact Archiving Limitations 

  • Before diving into the steps for archiving, it's essential to keep in mind a few limitations: 
  • Contacts synchronized with Xero cannot be archived directly in Re-Leased; you must archive them in Xero first. For more details, see our article on Archiving a Contact in Xero. 
  • If a contact is attached as the primary or account contact for an active tenancy, you cannot archive them. Change the contact details for the tenancy first. 

Archiving a Contact Step-by-Step 

  1. Go to the Contacts tab. 
  2. Find and select the contact you intend to archive. 
  3. In the Contact Details section, click on the Archive button located at the bottom right. 
  4. Confirm your action by clicking on Archive this Contact in the pop-up prompt. 

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Once you've archived the contact, they will be hidden from your active contact list but remain accessible from the Archived contacts section. 

How to Restore an Archived Contact 

Contacts that have been archived can be reinstated at your convenience:

  1. In the Contacts menu, click on the Archived tab. 
  2. Find the contact to restore and select the Restore option next to their name.

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Handling Duplicate Contact Names 

If there is a lock symbol indicating a duplicate, review and edit the contact's name for uniqueness in the system.  Try the restoration process again after ensuring the contact's name is distinct. 

Restoring a Contact in Xero 

If the archived contact is from Xero, restore them via Xero and check the steps in our Restore & Archive Xero Contacts.

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