Viewing Contacts

  • Updated

For our Asia-Pacific and Europe users, the term "Tenants" is common, while our customers in North America are more familiar with the term "Leases." In this article, we will use the phrases "Tenancy" and "Tenants" interchangeably. For further clarification on regional terms, please visit our Glossary of Regional Terminology.

Welcome to our guide on navigating the Contacts feature. This resource is designed to help you effortlessly manage and view various aspects of your contacts, be they tenants, owners, suppliers, or any other related entities. Whether you're new to the system or just need a quick refresher, we'll show you how to use the system to your advantage, ensuring smooth operations and well-organized management. 


Check out our self-guided learning video for an interactive demo: Navigation (Approx 20 mins).

For our European users, check out: Navigation (EMEA)

Understanding Contact Categories 

Our system divides contacts into categories, simplifying both management and retrieval: 

  • Leases/Tenants 
  • Companies 
  • Creditors/Suppliers 
  • Owners 
  • Preferred Suppliers 
  • Bond Authorities 
  • BPAY Creditors (Australia only) 
  • Archived 

Filtering and Searching for Contacts

Finding Contacts by Category 

  1. Go to the Contacts menu.
  2. Use the filters to refine the contacts displayed by company or contact type. 

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Using the Global Search Bar 

  1. Type the contact's name, phone number, or email into the Global Search bar atop your dashboard. 
  2. Look through the returned list. This will include contact profiles and related entities. 
  3. Select the contact's name to view their detailed information. 

Tip: The Global Search bar is a time-saving feature for when you need to find a contact quickly without browsing through multiple categories. 

Viewing Properties Associated by Contact 

  1. Click on the Contacts tab.
  2. Select the contact of interest. 
  3. Choose Properties and then click on the Property Name to see more details. 
  4. Depending on your account type - Client/Trust Accounting or Xero - a property may be associated with a contact in different ways, such as through ownership, tenancy, or supplier links. 

Viewing Invoices by Associated Contact 

  1. Select the relevant contact from the Contacts tab.
  2. Navigate to the Invoices & Credits tab and click on the Invoice Number
  3. You can also streamline this process by creating new income and expense invoices directly from the Contacts menu, with key fields pre-populated for ease. 

Viewing Properties & Leases / Tenancies Associated by Contact 

  1. Navigate to the Contacts tab. 
  2. Choose the appropriate Contact.
  3. Select Properties and Leases/Tenancies down the left-hand menu to view related information.

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By utilizing these steps, you can make sure that your contact management is comprehensive, accessible, and efficient. Remember, proper use of these features leads to better organization and smoother property management processes. 

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