Managing Users

  • Updated

In this article, we'll walk you through the processes involved in adding new users, setting permissions, and controlling user access across multiple companies. We will also cover how to securely archive user accounts when they are no longer needed. Whether you are inviting new team members or reassigning tasks from former employees, our step-by-step procedures will make managing your users' access straightforward and secure. 

Accessing the Users List 

To view or adjust user permissions: 

  1. Click on the Settings menu. 
  2. Select the company for which you want to manage users, then click on Users in the Company and Users section. 
  3. Remember, if the user needs access to several companies, you'll first add them to one company. Subsequently, you can extend their access to other companies as needed. 

Note: If you do not see this section, your account may not have the necessary permissions to manage other users. 

Creating a New User 

To invite a new user to Re-Leased: 

  1. Click on the Create New User button. 
  2. Fill in the user's name, email address, and, if desired, phone number. An email address acts as the user's login name. 
  3. Assign a User Role to set permissions. 
  4. If they are to manage properties, ensure the User is a Property Manager option is ticked. 
  5. For additional security, you can opt for Enhanced Security mode
  6. Create their initial password, which they can later change for their personal use. 

Note: Once created, the password should be kept confidential and can only be changed by the user themselves. 

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Adding a Company or Companies to a User  

Follow these steps to grant a user access to additional companies:  

  1. Navigate to the Settings menu and click on Users.  
  2. Select the name of the user you wish to add company access to.  
  3. Go to the user's profile and click on the Companies tab.  
  4. Choose the Companies without access section on the left.  
  5. Tick the checkboxes for the companies you want the user to access, then click the Confirm button at the bottom.  
  6. After confirming your selection, a pop-up will appear for confirmation. Click Confirm again, and the page will refresh to show the updated companies the user can access under the Companies with access section.  


Adding a User or Users to a Company  

To modify which users have access to a company, follow these steps:  

  1. Click Settings and then Manage Companies.  
  2. Select the company you wish to modify user access for.  
  3. Scroll to the Security panel, where you can manage authorized users.  
  4. To add a User, search and select their name in the provided field.  
  5. To remove a User, just click the 'x' next to their name.  
  6. Remember to click Save to finalize any alterations to user access.  

Viewing the Change Log for Company Access  

To review a history of user access changes for a company:  

  1. Go to Settings, choose Manage Companies, and then select the company in question.  
  2. Enter the Security panel.  
  3. Click the View Changelog button to see the log of modifications.  


Archiving Users 

If a user no longer needs access to Re-Leased: 

  1. Under the Settings Menu, navigate to Company & Users, then select Users
  2. Find the user to archive. If they're not listed, try selecting a company they have access to first. 
  3. At the bottom of their profile, click Archive
  4. Delegate their Properties or Tasks, if any, to an active user, then click Delegate & Archive. Otherwise, simply confirm the archive action. 
  5. To restore an archived user, navigate to the Archived Users tab within the Users list and select Restore

Note: An archived user's email cannot immediately be reused. To reassign the email to a new user, the old user's profile email must be changed before archiving. 

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