Re-Leased Pay Recurring Payments and Tenancy Changes

  • Updated

This article serves as a helpful guide to comprehending how recurring payments through Re-Leased Pay are affected by various tenancy-related events, such as vacating, cancellation, term expiry, rent reviews, and more. By understanding these scenarios, you will be better equipped to manage your tenancy accounts smoothly.

Recurring Payments and Tenant Vacating

When a tenant vacates and the tenancy is due to expire:

  • Before the last rent reminder email: The reminder email will reflect any changes, and the payment processes as expected. Recurring payments cease after the tenancy term ends.
  • After the last rent reminder email, but before payment: A payment unsuccessful email will be sent as the payment amount has changed. Rent must be paid manually, and recurring payments stop upon tenancy expiry.


Recurring Payments and Tenancy Cancellation

If a tenancy is cancelled:

  • Before the last rent reminder email: The payment proceeds as normal, with the final invoice amount adjusted in the reminder email.
  • After the last rent reminder email, but before payment: The tenant will receive an unsuccessful payment email and must pay the last invoice manually. Recurring payments will end with the tenancy's cancellation.


Recurring Payments with Tenancy Term Expiry

During the expiry of a tenancy term (non-holding over):

  • Before the last rent reminder email: The payment will be processed. Changes to the agreed amount are communicated in the email.
  • After the last rent reminder email, but before payment: The tenant will get a payment unsuccessful email, requiring manual payment of the rent invoice. Recurring payments stop with the tenancy expiry.

For a holding over period:

  • Before the rent reminder email: Payments continue uninterrupted.
  • After the reminder email, but before payment: A payment unsuccessful email is sent, necessitating manual payment. The recurring setup persists for future invoices.


Recurring Payments and Rent Review

If the rent is revised:

  • Before the rent reminder email: The updated amount is included in the reminder, and the payment goes through as planned.
  • After the reminder email, but before payment: A payment unsuccessful email prompts manual payment, while recurring payments carry on with the new amount.


Additional Scenarios Affecting Recurring Rent Payments

Other notable scenarios include:

  • Tenants pre-emptively paying an invoice before receiving a reminder means the invoice will not be paid through the recurring system. However, recurring setup continues for future invoices.
  • When a credit note is applied to an invoice with recurring payments set up before or after the reminder email, different actions are required. Before the reminder, the email will reflect the credit, and the payment should be as scheduled. After the reminder, a payment unsuccessful email is sent, and manual payment is required while the recurring setup remains.
  • For rent invoices due within 3 days of setting up the recurring payment, the payment is scheduled and the reminder email is sent, but the payment is deferred until the three days have passed. This could result in temporary arrears.
  • Recurring payments apply only to rent invoices created and approved from the day after setup, with existing invoices requiring manual payment.
  • When recurring payments are set up on the same day a rent invoice is generated, that invoice must be paid manually as the recurring system starts with subsequent invoices.

Please note that the Client/Trust Account setting 'must receipt the oldest invoice first' does not impact invoices paid through Re-Leased Pay.

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