Setting Up Oracle NetSuite Before Connecting to Re-Leased

  • Updated

This article provides steps on preparing Oracle NetSuite for a connection with Re-Leased. Before you start integrating Re-Leased into your workflow, you'll need to ensure that certain settings and permissions are correctly configured in Oracle NetSuite. Let's walk through the necessary preparations, which include the installation of the Re-Leased App, enabling SuiteCloud features, and assigning the Re-Leased Integration Role to your account. Please note that you require full admin privileges and user role permissions to complete this set up.


Preparation Steps for Oracle NetSuite

Here is what you need to do in Oracle NetSuite before you can connect to Re-Leased:

Step 1: Install the Re-Leased App

  1. Navigate to the SuiteApp Marketplace by clicking on SuiteApps in the main navigation menu.
  2. Search for Re-Leased within the marketplace.
  3. Select the Re-Leased tile to view the app details.
  4. Click on Install and then confirm by clicking Install again.

Installing the RL SuiteApp - NetSuite.gif


Step 2: Enable SuiteCloud Features

To enable SuiteCloud features:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Enable Features.
  2. Locate and click on the SuiteCloud tab.
  3. Under the SuiteScript section, enable the following features:
    • Client SuiteScript
    • Server SuiteScript
  4. Under the SuiteTalk (Web Services) section:
    • Enable REST Web Services
  5. Under the Manage Authentication section:
    • Enable OAUTH 2.0
  6. Agree to the terms and conditions for each of the features enabled.
  7. Click on Save to confirm your changes.

Enabling SuiteCloud features - NetSuite.gif


Step 3: Assign the Re-Leased Integration Role to Your User

To assign the necessary role:

  1. Access user roles under Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Users.
  2. Find and click on your user name to edit your user account.
  3. Navigate to the Access tab.
  4. Click on Edit.
  5. Add the role Re-Leased Integration Role from the role list.
  6. Confirm your selection by clicking on Save.

Completing these steps will establish the necessary groundwork in Oracle NetSuite for a successful connection with Re-Leased. Once these preliminaries are out of the way, you'll be all set for a smooth integration process.


Assigning the Re-Leased Integration Role - NetSuite.gif


You're now ready to connect Re-Leased to NetSuite.

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