Custom Fields

  • Updated

Expanding Your Data Storage Capabilities

Custom Fields lets you add extra information to key areas in Re-Leased, so you can capture everything you need in one place. This feature helps you store more data and make the most of Re-Leased's reporting tools.

Custom Field Specifications

The availability and number of custom fields differ between the Core and Pro packages.

Core Package:

  • Entities Available: Confined to 2 entities, Property and Tenancy.
  • Custom Fields: A maximum of 5 custom field definitions per entity can be created.

Pro Package:

  • Entities Available: Property and Tenancy with Contacts and Areas.
  • Custom Fields:  A maximum of 25 custom field definitions per entity can be created.

Available on both Packages:

  • All Data types: Text, Number, Checkbox, with Date and Dropdowns coming soon.

For customers interested in accessing more entities or additional custom fields, please reach out to your Account Manager representative who can provide more information on the process.

Creating and Managing Custom Fields

To manage your Custom Fields, follow these simple steps from within Re-Leased:

  1. Navigate to the General Settings section.
  2. Find and select the Custom Fields tab.
  3. From here, you can create, import, and edit custom fields as needed.
  4. Set the values for these fields via the entity-specific Custom Field tab, such as within a tenancy or property record.

Create Custom Fields:

Copy of HelpCentre_Desktop Landscape_Video.gif

Set values for Custom Fields:

Copy of HelpCentre_Desktop Landscape_Video (1).gif

Reporting with Custom Fields

Custom Fields also significantly enhance reporting capabilities. Currently, Custom Fields can be included in select reports for:

  • Report Builder - Tenancy Schedule.
  • Invoice Details and Payments Report.

At present, reports only include Text fields, however more data types are in the pipeline.

Report Builder - Tenancy Schedule

Copy of HelpCentre_Desktop Landscape_Video (2).gif

Invoice Details and Payments Report:

Copy of HelpCentre_Desktop Landscape_Static .png

Importing Data into Custom Fields

To allow you to get all your data up to date in Re-Leased quickly, we're introducing functionality to bulk import the values for these custom fields into your existing Property and Tenancy records:

  • Currently available for Tenancies and Properties 
  • Importable data types will initially only include Text fields, and will expand soon thereafter to include the ability to import custom fields using other data types such as dates, numbers, etc.
  • Click here to read more about how to import custom field values.

Permission requirements

Users will need to be granted permission to manage and set values for Custom Fields.

    • General Settings – to manage Custom Field definitions.
    • Can Edit Tenancies / Properties – to set Custom Field values.

Note: Backend auditing of these fields is in place, ensuring the integrity and traceability of data changes.

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